For Public Benefit Organizations: Get Pro Bono

If you are a non-profit organization working for the public benefit, for example: a non-governmental organization; community organization; social enterprise, and need pro bono assistance, fill out the relevant application form and/or contact us.

How to Get Pro Bono Assistance?

Principles of Good Pro Bono

From our experience we know, that vaious problems and obstacles might emerge during the implementation of Pro Bono projects. We would like to share our experience and give you some tips and tricks we have learned over the past few years.

  • Principle One: Know and define your need. Engage pro bono resources proactively according to your organization's priorities;
  • Principle Two: Get the right resource for the right job. Successful pro bono engagements align people, process and scope to address your specific need;
  • Principle Three: Be realistic about Pro Bono deadlines. Be thoughtful about which projects you can address - even small tasks can take longer than expected, and pro bono is rarely a good solution for urgent needs;
  • Principle Four: If you want your pro bono consultants to treat you like a paying client, begin by treating them as if you were paying;
  • Principle Five: Learning goes both ways. A pro bono project is a partnership: you supply knowledge of your organization and field, while the pro bono consultant brings functional expertise and a fresh perspective.

Useful Tips To Make Pro Bono Project Successful:

Before the Project:

  • Spend some time to introduce your organization to pro bono consultant:
  • Arrange in advance with pro bono consultant the necessary documents for pro bono work;
  • Set realistic goals.

During the Project:

  • Engage yourself and your team to participate in pro bono projects;
  • Share all the relevant documents with pro bono consultant;
  • Show your trust to pro bono consultant and allow access to relevant internal workspaces/online tools;
  • Let the pro bono volunteer to share and experience the enthusiasm related to your organization’s mission;
  • Keep regular and clear communication with (1) pro bono consultant, (2) the members of your team and (3) mediator organization during the implementation of pro bono project;
  • Be positive to critical comments – be open to different perspectives and opinions;
  • Communicate with pro bono consultant on the same level and with the same professional attitude as you communicate in casual business situations;
  • Support pro bono consultant to achieve his/her goals as well.

After the Project:

  • A simple thank you means a lot (e.g. a dinner, a video message or a bouquet of flowers);
  • Keep informed the consultant and mediator organization about the successful results of the pro bono project
  • Tell everyone about the commitment of pro bono consultant;
  • Invite pro bono consultant to organizations’ events;
  • Review the possible admission of pro bono consultant in the advisory board

The Text is adapted from online sources provided by Proboneo and Tapprot Foundation

How to Choose a Project for Pro Bono Engagement

You probably have a long to-do list of projects in your head that you know would help you advance your organization's mission - but not all of those projects are a natual match for pro bono. you can use the following criterias to figure out which projects would make the best pro bono engagements:

  • Scope. Can you clrearly define the work that needs to be done? Do you feel confident that it won't change over the course of the project?
  • Urgency. When does this project need to be done? What are the consequnces of not hitting the deadline?
  • Knowledge Needed. What knowledge about your field and your organization will the pro bono consultants need? Is the outcome worth providing that education?
  • Staff and Board Readiness. Would your team and board be open to having this project done (and done Pro Bono?) Do they have the time to be engaged on the project? Will they have time to implement the project deliverables?

The Text is based on online source provided by Tapprot Foundation