On June 16, 2023, pro bono consultations of "Reminder" with Union "Orioni" ended. The main task of this consultation was to deal with the negative feedback of the TV story spread on social networks and to manage the reputation of the organization.

From March to May 2023, three consulting meetings of the company "Crystal" and the social enterprise "Ikorta" were held. As a result of the consultations the social media strategy of the social enterprise “Ikorta” was prepared.

From March to May 2023 a design project of a tourist information building and a yard landscaping plan was prepared for the social enterprise "Orbis Bude" with the involvement of interior designers.

On May 10, 18, and 24, 2023, the company MBC held a pro bono Excel Webinar for representatives of civil organizations from different regions of Georgia. 

On May 17, 2023, consulting meetings of Tegeta Holding and Orbis Bude were completed. The consultation aimed to assist in developing an online media marketing strategy and creating  online media channels  for the social enterprise “Orbis bude.”

On May, 5, 2023 the Human Resources Specialist of Credo Bank, Gvantsa Tutisani conducted a simulated interview with workshop - "job searching skills and interview techniques" participants. 

On April, 21, 2023 the Human Resources Specialist of Credo Bank, Etuna Kobalia conducted a simulated interview with workshop - "job searching skills and interview techniques" participants. 

On April 10, 2023, the consulting meetings of the company "ACT" and the social enterprise "Orbis Bude" ended. As a result of pro bono consultations were prepared: the structure of the site, the visual style and the technical assignment for the development company. 


A social enterprise faces a crucial human resources challenge. It lacks a defined HR strategy, including aspects such as recruitment, retention, and job description preparation. The organization is grappling with a persistent turnover of personnel, further highlighting the need for strategic HR interventions.

სოც.საწარმო პოტერია აწარმოებს პროდუქციას, რომელიც ხელით კეთდება და არ არის მასიური წარმოების,  მისი ფასი შესაბამისად მაღალია. პროდუქციის რეალიზებისთვის საწარმოს ესაჭიროებოდა გაყიდვების გეგმა, რომელიც ორიენტირებული იქნებოდა  ნიშურ სამიზნე ბაზარზე.

On March 30, 2023 the Human Resources Specialist of Credo Bank, Etuna Kobalia conducted a simulated interview with workshop - "job searching skills and interview techniques" participants. 

In March 2023, Etuna Tsotniashvili, APM Terminal's communications and CSR partner, provided pro bono consulting services to the civil organization - "Civil Integration Fund."